Mr. Brian McGee, the director of iForm Education 布莱恩·麦吉先生,吾言教育咨询公司主任
Brian has been a teacher for 29 years, in independent and state schools, teaching English, caring for boarders and running a highly successful Sixth Form in Bath. More recently Brian’s consultancy work has focused on supporting international students who wish to study in the UK and working with schools and colleges to ensure that they meet their compliance obligations under new legislation.
Brian’s passion is to offer young people opportunities, often those which involve thinking outside the box, such as using boarding as a way to attend an excellent school, or offering Sixth Form students advice about pathways and opportunities which they may not have considered possible.
His main expertise lies in Sixth Form matters and Boarding. He understands the need to consider the whole journey of a student from initial enquiry to subject choice, to study skills, and on to university or career choices, applications and outcomes.
Brian在英格兰的几所公立学校和私立学校从教近30年,曾担任巴斯Beechen Cliff中学担任副校长及高中部(Sixth Form)主任等职。近些年,Brian把工作中心转移到国际教育咨询工作,为更多有意向赴英留学的国际学生进行专业细致的指导。Brian乐于为年轻人更多的机会,让他们跳出条条框框的束缚思考自己的未来和人生,为高中学生如何选择自己今后的人生道路给予最专业客观的建议。Brian专长于英国高中的教育,包括指导学生选课、选择正确的学校方法和技巧,以及大学和事业的选择。
Brian has been a teacher for 29 years, in independent and state schools, teaching English, caring for boarders and running a highly successful Sixth Form in Bath. More recently Brian’s consultancy work has focused on supporting international students who wish to study in the UK and working with schools and colleges to ensure that they meet their compliance obligations under new legislation.
Brian’s passion is to offer young people opportunities, often those which involve thinking outside the box, such as using boarding as a way to attend an excellent school, or offering Sixth Form students advice about pathways and opportunities which they may not have considered possible.
His main expertise lies in Sixth Form matters and Boarding. He understands the need to consider the whole journey of a student from initial enquiry to subject choice, to study skills, and on to university or career choices, applications and outcomes.
Brian在英格兰的几所公立学校和私立学校从教近30年,曾担任巴斯Beechen Cliff中学担任副校长及高中部(Sixth Form)主任等职。近些年,Brian把工作中心转移到国际教育咨询工作,为更多有意向赴英留学的国际学生进行专业细致的指导。Brian乐于为年轻人更多的机会,让他们跳出条条框框的束缚思考自己的未来和人生,为高中学生如何选择自己今后的人生道路给予最专业客观的建议。Brian专长于英国高中的教育,包括指导学生选课、选择正确的学校方法和技巧,以及大学和事业的选择。

Mrs. Siqi Li, the managing director of iForm Education 李思奇女士,吾言教育咨询公司管理总监
Siqi has a BA in English Literature from the Communication University of China Beijing and an MBA from the University of Bath. Kathleen has over eight years’ experience working in student services and programme management at universities in China mainland. Siqi is fluent in English and Mandarin and brings an understanding of needs for Chinese students and their families.
Siqi has a BA in English Literature from the Communication University of China Beijing and an MBA from the University of Bath. Kathleen has over eight years’ experience working in student services and programme management at universities in China mainland. Siqi is fluent in English and Mandarin and brings an understanding of needs for Chinese students and their families.

Mr. Jiantao Wang, Advisory Board 王建涛先生,吾言教育咨询公司总顾问
Jiantao is one of members within Ministry of Education Special Project Group, the director of the Suzhou-Bath Education Partnership, one of Suzhou most outstanding English teachers. Jiantao has more than 30 years experiences of teaching and education management. He has been served as headmaster, director of International department, and director of studies for many years.
Jiantao 是国家教育部专项任务项目课题组成员,英国巴斯中英教育合作委员会主任,苏州市中学英语学科带头人,苏州市优秀教育工作者,全国《新综合英语》教学带头人,教学成绩突出,教育教学管理经验丰富,历任教导处主任、国际部主任、副校长、校长等职务。
Jiantao is one of members within Ministry of Education Special Project Group, the director of the Suzhou-Bath Education Partnership, one of Suzhou most outstanding English teachers. Jiantao has more than 30 years experiences of teaching and education management. He has been served as headmaster, director of International department, and director of studies for many years.
Jiantao 是国家教育部专项任务项目课题组成员,英国巴斯中英教育合作委员会主任,苏州市中学英语学科带头人,苏州市优秀教育工作者,全国《新综合英语》教学带头人,教学成绩突出,教育教学管理经验丰富,历任教导处主任、国际部主任、副校长、校长等职务。

Mr. Richard Kemp, Advisory Board 理查德·坎普先生,吾言教育咨询公司总顾问
Richard graduated from the University of Oxford with a Masters degree, and worked in Eton College which is the world famous British noble school. He then worked in business before returning to Oxford to take his teaching qualification. After teaching in a variety of schools he studied at Oxford University for a second Masters in Education Management. He was Head Master of Pate's Grammar School in Cheltenham. Pate's is consistently ranked among the top 5 government schools in England. Since retirement Richard has worked with schools in China and the UK to promote international educational links.
Richard graduated from the University of Oxford with a Masters degree, and worked in Eton College which is the world famous British noble school. He then worked in business before returning to Oxford to take his teaching qualification. After teaching in a variety of schools he studied at Oxford University for a second Masters in Education Management. He was Head Master of Pate's Grammar School in Cheltenham. Pate's is consistently ranked among the top 5 government schools in England. Since retirement Richard has worked with schools in China and the UK to promote international educational links.